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低空經濟篇 : 香港無人機匯演大揭秘:上萬台無人機如何在天際共舞?

明報專訪: 香港低空經濟發展機遇與挑戰:發揮「超級聯絡人」角色,林漢源促大灣區協同創新

文匯報專訪:【融大局 港有為篇】X Social Group 緊貼國家低空經濟政策 推進跨行業業務
港企X Social Group行政總裁林漢源近日接受香港文匯報訪問時介紹,其公司是總部位於香港的藝術科技及市場營銷公司,有超過12年在品牌行銷、互聯網3.0技術、醫療科技、藝術科技、無人機匯演和維港帆船燈光表演等領域的專業知識和經驗。他們在2023年起進駐香港數碼港,同年國慶及

《科技引領:低空經濟香港的應用前景 2025》

ASTRI 應用科技高峰會2025:林漢源受邀擔任演講嘉賓
香港應用科技研究院ASTRI 將於2025年2月10日在香港會議展覽中心舉辦首屆「應用科技高峰會」。這個科技界盛會匯聚商界領䄂及科技專家,來自香港、中國內地及海外具影響力的講者,包括政府官員、知名科技專家和科創先驅。他們將講解先進技術發展趨勢,並分享各城市的最佳實踐,為與會者帶來

香港經濟日報專訪:REIGN 的藝術奢侈品牌在後疫情下的商業5.0的營銷策略
REIGN 以藝術為核心,融合了畢加索、莫奈、梵高等知名藝術家及奧地利美景宮美術館的作品,推出如畢加索茅台、梵高威士忌、莫奈手製曲奇等高端食品,旨在滿足消費者對藝術與美食的雙重追求。林漢源表示:“我們的目標客戶群主要是藝術愛好者及高消費人群,他們通常購買我們的產品作為珍藏或送禮


Hong Kong International Airport Presents the World’s First Airport Indoor Drone Show This Christmas!


低空經濟「無人機起飛可靠指數」 及「無人機衛星訊號抗干擾」研發項目發佈會
X Social Group Holdings Limited jointly signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Damoda UAV(HK) and PolyU

林漢源企業X Social Group 受邀成為無人機參展商,展覽區將全面展示低空經濟的歷史與發展。林漢源先生同時被認可為大灣區低空經濟的主要宣導者及無人機商業發展先驅。

New Quality Productive Forces." This includes enhancing the new industrial development strategy and institutional framework, increasing inve

香港零售前景研討會引領創新與趨勢 2025
Rpresentatives from X Social Group revealing the latest developments in Hong Kong's event economy and introducing the drone show

X Social Group 榮獲「國際亞洲最具成就品牌2024」殊榮
X Social Group to be honored with the title of "Asia Most Accomplished Brand Award." This recognition is not only an affirmation of our effo

大公報: 林漢源專訪 - 探討香港作為「天空之城」的潛力及低空經濟

Samuel Lam, CEO of X Social Group, to Deliver Keynote Address at HKTDC Hong Kong International Outdoor and Tech Light Expo
innovative insights on the captivating drone light show and the vibrant maritime carnival that graced Victoria Harbour. He will explore the

Policy Address 2024: Supporting the Low-Altitude Economy and Advancing Drone Shows – Interview with the CEO of X Social Group by TVB News & SCMP
Our holding company is focused on two primary sectors: drone delivery and drone light shows. We welcome the proposed amendments to regulatio

SCMP Interview : X Social Group Unveils Groundbreaking Initiative to Elevate Drone Show Safety Standards
samuel lam company is collaborating with university scholars to develop the "Drone Show Take-off Reliability Index."

TVB News Interview: Insights from X Social Group CEO Samuel Lam and Aviation Expert Professor Wen on Drone Reliability and Weather Interference
we can anticipate many events, including solar storm indices and rainfall. In response, we are preparing to introduce a 'Drone Takeoff Relia

SCMP Interview: Emphasizing Safety in Drone Shows Through Industry Standards
South China Morning Post, Samuel Lam Hon-yuen, CEO of X Social Group, emphasized the company's commitment to safety in drone shows. He expla

"A Spectacular Fusion: National Day 75th Anniversary Fireworks and Drone Show Over Victoria Harbour!" TVB News
Against the unique backdrop of Victoria Harbour, the drone show serves as an ideal platform to display corporate logos and brand information

CHAGEE 霸王茶姬的維多利亞港帆船巡遊慶祝香港店開幕
Get ready for an unforgettable maritime adventure as HKVC partners with X Social Group to present the spectacular Victoria Harbour Parade

South China Morning Post Interviews Samuel Lam of X Social Group on the Brand Value of Drone Light Shows
These aerial displays not only captivate audiences but also create unique advertising opportunities, showcasing brand logos against the stun

X Social Group CEO 林漢源被香港市務學會評選為2024年度市場行銷人物
The stage for brand marketing is no longer confined to traditional forms. Whether it’s a post on Xiaohongshu, a viral song on Douyin, or a s

Navigating Challenges: Samuel Lam’s Inspiring Path to Entrepreneurial Success by HKBU Outstanding Alumni Interview
Navigating Challenges: Samuel Lam’s Inspiring Path to Entrepreneurial Success by HKBU Outstanding Alumni Interview

ChinaDaily : A Glimpse into the Future: Samuel Lam Hon Yuen on Drone Light Shows and the GBA's Low-Altitude Economy"
Samuel Lam is discussing the development of the low-altitude economy and the significant role of Drone Light Shows in Hong Kong.

X Social Group CEO Mr. Samuel Lam Hon Yuen to Discuss Drone Light Show Market Trends in HK on Metro Radio Financial Channel
Today, Mr. Samuel Lam Hon Yuen, CEO of X Social Group Ltd, is honored to return to the Metro Radio studio to discuss the drone light show.

X Social Group CEO Mr. Samuel Lam to Speak at Cyberport DELF 2024, Honored with Digital Entertainment Leader Award
"This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, who have consistently pushed the boundaries of what's possible in th

Exploring the Feasibility of Implementing a Low-Altitude Economy in Hong Kong
Mr. Lam emphasized that the potential benefits of drone technology in specific applications, such as medical services, emergency response,

X Social Group's Continued Commitment to Advancing Hong Kong's Higher Education and Community
It is with great honor that our company CEO, Mr. Samuel Lam Hon Yuen, has been entrusted to serve a second consecutive term on the executive

Hong Kong Embraces the Future of Mega Events: Sea, Air, and Land Showcasing the City's Captivating Blend of Arts, Culture, and Technology
CEO Samuel Lam mentioned that Hong Kong has made concerted efforts to curate a diverse array of events that cater to the discerning tastes o

X Social Group Proudly Supports the Voyages Cup Greater Bay Area City League (Summer) 2024 and the Celebration of Hong Kong's Return to Mainland Yacht Parade
X Social Group is honored to serve as the official PR and Marketing partner for the highly anticipated Voyages Cup Greater Bay Area City Le

Unlock the Potential of Hong Kong's Mega Events in 2024: An Unparalleled Opportunity for Businesses
Mr. Samuel Lam, CEO of XSocial Group, will share invaluable insights on the business potential of these mega events.

Unleash Your Business' Potential: Leveraging Art Technology in Hong Kong's Captivating Cultural Fusion
The fusion of art and technology has become a global trend in the development of the creative industry.

REIGN Fusing Noble Delicacy, Artistry, and Technology: Elevating Product Value and Captivating Discerning Customers. Promoting Cross-cultural Collaboration and IP to Expand Global Market Reach
Acknowledging the exclusivity of their products, Samuel conceded that a significant portion of the brand's clientele originates from oversea

Unleashing the Creative Revolution: REIGN's Web3 Project Makes Waves in Hong Kong
NFTs, which were initially regarded as virtual assets, experienced a speculative boom in recent years but lacked direct connections to...

Art-Tech Fusion: Crafting Brands that Resonate with the New Generation's Demands
Art-Tech opens up boundless possibilities. How can businesses effectively incorporate it into their strategies? The Hong Kong...

XSocial, Reign and the Belvedere Museum Vienna Host Exclusive Soirée at K11 Musea Hong Kong
[Hong Kong, March 14, 2024] — REIGN, the luxury art brand from Hong Kong, and the prestigious Belvedere Museum Vienna joined forces to...

Samuel Lam responded to questions regarding the economic benefits of drone light shows during an interview with TVB News and Finance Magazine 02Mar2024
Drone Light Show - Waterfront Carnival" was held at the Wan Chai Waterfront Promenade in Hong Kong, coinciding with the grand celebration of

Sing Tao Daily Interview | Drone Company: Diversified Performances Are Not Just for Show - Tourists are Attracted to Drone Shows
According to a new "Financial Budget" announcement, the Tourism Board will organize monthly fireworks and drone shows. It is understood...

Innovative Drone Technology Enhances Hong Kong's Mega Events Economy with Creative Art Displays
Innovative Drone Technology Enhances Hong Kong's Mega Events Economy with Creative Art Displays

PRESS RELEASE : Establishment of Strategic Partnership between Belvedere Museums in Austria and REIGN and X Social Group Corporation
Austria's Belvedere Museum, the Austrian Consul General to Hong Kong and Macao, Advantage Austria, X Social Group and REIGN, a prominent...

X Social Group Founder Samuel Lam Takes the Helm as Convener of Hong Kong Chinese Manufacturers' Association Innovation Technology Committee, Spearheading Collaborative Advancement for Hong Kong'
Samuel Lam, the founder of X Social Group, has recently been elected as the Convener of the 43rd Hong Kong Chinese Manufacturers' Associatio

Exploring Hong Kong's Artistic Techscape: An Exclusive Interview with Samuel Lam, Visionary Founder of X Social Group by TVB News on 24th Jan 2024
Although the limited availability of venues in Hong Kong poses challenges, we are actively seeking new partnership opportunities, including

CCTV Mobile "Hong Kong Arts, Culture, and Technology" Series Interview of Drone Light Show Project
In this ever-changing world, a unique form of art is blossoming in Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong Drone light shows...

Art, Technology, and Retail Partnerships: A Case Study Driving Advertiser Engagement in 2023 | 當藝術遇上科技:2023年最炫「藝術‧科技‧零售」合作案例!
The partnership focused on combining cutting-edge technology, immersive experiences, and art IP collaboration to create a unique and captiva

Delivery Digital Solutions (香港總商會 HKGCC Bulletin Nov 2023)
X Social Group Holdings is a prominent Web 3.0 marketing and retail agency based in the Asia-Pacific region.

CreateHK leads Hong Kong Web3 delegation (X Social Group) to visit Vienna
X Social Group and nine leading technology companies in HK had been selected as delegration member to showcase the Hong Kong leading Web3

CCTV Mobile Interview with Samuel Lam, CEO of X Social Group
Hong Kong DMD presented drone light shows for the first time on Saturday (Oct 2), with 800 drones light up the city over Victoria Harbour...

X Social Group CEO Samuel Lam was invited to be the key speakers at Cultural Leadership Summit 2023
We are pleased to announce that our CEO Mr. Samuel Lam was invited to be one of the key speakers at this year’s Cultural Leadership Summit
Unit 3-5, 8F, Kowloon Centre, 33, Ashley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
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